free shipping for NZ on all orders over $25, The 7 year - going within - a year of learning. Used for centuries in Peru and Ecuador for spiritual ceremonies. This workshop walks through the development of your own Self- care package, which includes, candles, or wax melts from the Maya's Passions line, a DIY bath tea, Palo Santo, a DIY Origami box filled with crystals of your choice, and a loving affirmation that you write for yourself using these products to heal. I want to acknowledge the first people of the land.

You are cleansing your space of negative energy and opening yourself up to the energy you desire. Thank you for helping me cleanse my energy and elevate my vibrations in the past. One way that it can help you is by bringing abundance, good luck, and positivity into your life. Are you looking for a smudging prayer for home, to invite positivity and remove negative energy? Who doesn't want to live a spiritually-centered, genuinely truthful, and peaceful life? This mantra moves a step beyond clearing negative energy by calling in loving protection from hate, worry, apathy, and the like. Place the Palo Santo in a fireproof bowl. In yoga, we seal our practice by bringing our palms together and saying namaste when you smudge, it also helps to close your smudging ceremony by repeating your mantra one last time. May the artwork, project, contract anything that comes my way prosper. Information about your device and internet connection, like your IP address, Browsing and search activity while using Yahoo websites and apps. When you express gratitude for all that you have, you allow the Universe to give you more abundance to be grateful for. With that said, feel free to use this final mantra in conjunction with any of the other mantras we included here! Smudge your sacred space, meditation space, or altar room last, 4. INSPIRATIONAL GIFT IDEA Click 'Add to Cart' now and make our tuning fork medical for healing chakra set a unique gift for those who practice alternative therapies and more!, Smudging prayers or saging (another common name) gives you a feeling of peace and enlightens your soul. "Sacred plant, may you cleanse this space by taking away evil energies and vibes that no longer serve the highest good, and create more space for peace, love, and light to pour in. Release any attachments, negativity, or density into the light so that I can shine with my highest possible vibration and embody my highest authenticity.